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Prof. Jaron Rabinovici


Prof. Jaron Rabinovici is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist, a health care executive and a researcher focused on assessing and improving female health care.

He graduated from the School of Mediciane of the Vienna University, Austria, and trained during his residency at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Sheba Medical Center in Israel. Following he performed a Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology under Prof. Bob Jaffe at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). After his Fellowship he returned to the Sheba Medical Center and continued his research at UCSF as a Visiting Professor for several years. Currently he is a Professor at the Tel Aviv University and he served until recently as Head of Department and Vice-Chairman of the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Sheba Medical Center, Israel’s largest hospital.

As part of his managerial activities Prof. Rabinovici works with “Sheba Global” and oversees and conducts clinical and scientific collaborations between Sheba and various foreign Women’s Health Departments (China, Kazakhstan, UAE, USA, etc.)

His main field of clinical and research activities involve Reproductive Endocrinology and he specializes and studies hormonal imbalances, infertility and (peri-)menopausal changes. Prof. Rabinovici has been active both in many clinical, research, managerial and biotech activities. He has published many significant scientific articles, has conducted international and national multi-center studies, has given invited lectures around the world and has participated and organized international and national scientific meetings. His research activities have earned him international awards and prizes (Fogarty, Fulbright, Bi-National and Yad Hanadiv, American Fertility Society grants among others). In addition, Jaron has experience in the biotechnology field, he is involved in Femtech/Biotech activities of different companies and shares his professional insights as a biomedicine consultant.
Over the last years Jaron’s interest have evolved shifted towards the connection between female health in during reproductive years, obstetrics and perimenopause, the correct female ovarian hormonal balance and healthy longevity. His clinical and research working hypothesis surrounds the notion that women in general live longer and stay healthier (than men) for many years because of the positive effects of balanced ovarian hormones. In contrast, women with irregular ovarian activities show increased morbidity and increased mortality rates. Therefore, there he regards the important role of gynecologists in general and specifically reproductive endocrinologists in correcting and treating hormonal imbalances, thus promoting “Healthy Longevity”.