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The 2nd Sheba
Longevity Center Conference

From Research To Evidenced-Based Clinical Practice

May 7-8, 2025

Sheba Medical Center – Sourasky Hall | Ramat Gan, Israel



The 2nd Sheba
Longevity Center Conference

From Research To Evidenced-Based Clinical Practice

May 7-8, 2025

Sheba Medical Center – Sourasky Hall
Ramat Gan, Israel

The Conference

The 2nd Sheba Longevity Conference builds upon the success of our inaugural event, reflecting our cutting-edge clinical experience with over 1,000 patients and our role as the first longevity department in the world within an academic hospital setting.
This annual conference serves as a premier forum for global and regional collaboration, bringing together leading experts, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry innovators to exchange ideas, showcase breakthroughs, and translate research into impactful clinical practice.

Our Goals

  • Fostering international and regional collaborations that accelerate the integration of longevity science into healthcare systems and clinical practice.
  • Highlighting advancements and data-driven insights from Sheba’s pioneering clinical work in longevity medicine.
  • Servinge as a hub for cutting-edge discussions, exploring innovative approaches to extending healthspan and improving quality of life.


The Sheba Longevity Center

Recognizing the importance of personalized and innovative medicine in extending healthspan, Sheba has founded the Longevity Center: the first facility of its kind to operate within an academic medical institution. Led by Prof. Tzipi Strauss and Prof. Evelyne Yehudiut Bischhof, the Longevity Center tailors advanced, research-based medicine to maintain and improve the physiological, cognitive, and mental functions of individuals.

Conference Program Outline

Title: The Future of Applied Longevity Medicine: Global Insights and Regional Innovation
Duration: 2 Days
Format: Hybrid (Day 1: Frontal Lectures; Day 2: Panels, Lectures, and Interactive Sessions)
Location: Sheba Medical Center
Dates: 7-8 May 2025


Day 1

A comprehensive overview of the global and regional longevity landscape, with keynote lectures and insightful sessions led by renowned international and local experts. Discussions will highlight cutting-edge research, innovative interventions, and the evolving challenges and opportunities in the field of longevity.

Day 2

Dedicated to celebrating the brilliance of our region while fostering international collaboration. Featuring thought-provoking lectures and discussions from both local and international speakers, emphasizing the power of shared knowledge and partnerships to drive advancements in healthy longevity.


The conference offers a unique platform for professionals, researchers, healthcare leaders, and innovators to connect, exchange ideas, and shape the future of longevity

Who Should Attend?

While we are confident most members of the general public will find the event insightful and productive, we believe the following will benefit most from the conference:



Morning Session

08:30 - 09:00Registration & Morning Coffee
09:00 - 09:20Opening Ceremony
Prof. Tzipi Strauss & Prof. Evelyne Bischof
Welcome Address & AI Hospital Vision - Prof. Yitzhak Kreiss
09:20 - 09:50Keynote Lecture
SHARP Study Results and Implications - Prof. Tzipi Strauss
09:50 - 10:20International Perspective
Updates in Clinical Longevity and Precision Medicine - Prof. Evelyne Bischof
10:20 - 10:50Future of Healthcare
NextHealth and Digital Transformation - Elena Bonfiglioli (Microsoft)
10:50 - 11:20Coffee Break
11:20 - 11:40International Perspective
Singapore Longevity and Precision Medicine - Prof. Brian Kennedy
11:40 - 12:00Global Healthcare Innovation
Middle East Perspectives on Lifestyle and Longevity - Prof. Nicole Sirotin
12:00 - 12:20AI-driven Drug Discovery
AI Driven Longevity - Prof. Alex Zhavoronkov
12:20 - 13:00Innovation Panel in Longevity Science: AI, Technology, and Innovation in Longevity.
Moderator and keynote speaker: Prof. Alex Zhavoronkov
Microsoft, KPMG, Google, Names TBC.
13:00 - 14:00Lunch Break


Afternoon Session

14:00 - 14:20Longevity in Women
Women, Environment, and Longevity - Prof. Lauren Petrick
14:20 - 14:40Systems Biology Approach to Longevity
Prof. Shai Shen-Or
14:40 - 15:00Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30Clinical Case Panel & Closing
Interactive case discussions with Prof. Sara Bonnes (moderator), Prof. Nir
Barzilai, Prof. James Kirkland
15:30 - 16:00Senescence & Longevity
Senescence and Aging Therapies - Prof. James Kirkland
16:00 - 16:30Clinical Applications
The Next Decade of Longevity Science - Prof. Nir Barzilai
16:30Day 1 Closing Remarks


Morning Session

08:30 - 09:00Registration & Morning Coffee
09:00 - 09:20Clinical Research in Biological Age
"Retrospective Biological Aging Clocks - Study Results" - Dr. Abigail Goshen
09:20 - 09:50Global Perspectives in Longevity Medicine
09:50 - 10:10 Quantum AI in Longevity Medicine
Prof. Christine Huang
10:10 - 10:30Women's Health and Aging: Clinical Applications
Prof. Gideon Kupernik
10:30 - 10:45Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15Research Frontiers
Aging Biology and Interventions - Prof. Haim Cohen
11:15 - 11:45The Human Microbiome in Health and Disease
Dr. Niv Zmora
11:45 - 12:45Lunch Break


Afternoon Session

12:45 - 13:10Cardiovascular Aspects of Aging
Prof. Elad Maor
13:10 - 13:25Neurocognitive Aspects of Aging
13:25 - 13:50GLP-1 and Longevity
Dr. Gabriella Lieberman
13:50 - 14:20Panel Innovation Longevity Israel
Moderator Dr. Ilia Stambler, Panel: Dr. Ira Sobel (Rest of panel TBC)
14:20 – 14:45 Longevity landscape in  Israel
Dr. Ilia Stambler
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:30Stem Cells and Senesence
15:30 - 16:10 

Panel (TBC)

16:10 - 16:30 Early Career Research Prize Presentations: Supporting the next generation of longevity researchers
Two 10-minute abstract presentations from selected early-career researchers
16:30 - 17:00Q&A and award ceremony Closing Remarks
  • Conference Summary
  • Future Directions in Longevity Medicine
  • Announcement of Next Year's Abstract Competition


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