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The world's first longevity center within an academic medical Institution

The Sheba Longevity Center has been established as a forefront institution in integrating the latest research and innovations in longevity into patient care. With the adoption of advanced clinical technologies and unparalleled expertise, the center is uniquely positioned to identify and manage health risks on an individual basis through personalized longevity medicine strategies.

This approach is grounded in early assessment and precise diagnosis, aiming to prevent or delay the onset of health issues.

Recognizing the critical role of personalized medicine and technological innovation in extending both life span and health span, Sheba Medical Center, named as one of the world’s best hospitals for five consecutive years by Newsweek magazine, has founded the Longevity Center: the first facility of its kind to operate within an academic medical institution.

By addressing the above, we aim to both transform medicine and maximize each person's biological age.

360 Diagnostic Process

In order to tailor interventions which optimize healthspan, we assess biomarkers of aging, key parameters correlated with disease and health. The diagnostic process includes tests and measurements in 10 domains at specialized stations in the Center, validated questionnaires and biobanking. Upon concluding the diagnostic process, its findings are synthesized to provide an accurate longevity summary that is then used to create patient-specific, actionable recommendations designed to increase longevity and healthspan.


Our Sheba Longevity app was designed by the medical team of Sheba Longevity Center with a leading digital health platform Yuvital, in order to pioneer a new era in healthcare, monitoring while engaging patients to execute tailored longevity interventions, based on specific gamification features which encourage compliance towards enhancing their health.

Sheba Longevity app also offers a unique blend of longevity-focused educational material and sets a new benchmark in personalized health technology.


Everything you need to know

Why did Sheba establish the Longevity Center?

Is the diagnosis and treatment in the Center research-based?

What services will the Longevity Center provide?

Who is the Longevity Center for?

Why should I care about healthspan?
